I’m a very strong believer in listening and learning from others.

 —Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I stand in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and am committed to taking actions that dismantle systemic racism, expose patterns of inequity, and correct historical and present-day injustices against the BIPOC community. I am committed to actively engaging in anti-racism conversations, peaceful protesting, and donating to organizations such as NAACP, ACLU, and Southern Poverty Law Center.

Being an ally is a lifelong commitment to growth. I have searched my own toolkit for ways that I can improve my allyship with Black Lives. I am passionate about closing the gender and race pay gaps through research, education, and self-empowerment.

As a gesture of allyship, I am offering salary assessment services to the BIPOC community on a reduced, sliding scale rate to help close the pay gap and amplify Black voices in the community. I am also available for group trainings to provide guidance and resources on equitable wages and mastering negotiations. Knowledge is power! 

 I support your Rise!


Suggested sliding scale donation is $40.

Black Lives Matter!