Hands Over Heart: A Mighty Act of Resilience
Do you recognize those stress-level blips in your workday? Maybe your sense of panic increases at the thought of meeting an important deadline. Maybe you feel your pulse race or your face flush during an intense phone call with a customer. Perhaps you simply turned on your computer on Monday morning and feel your heart sink when you look at your task list.
Your body is sending you a signal.
This is a truly great time to use hands over heart. Its positive effects can be felt at any time.
This small gesture is a self-care technique that you can incorporate into your busy daily life. Hands Over Heart is an act of kindness and self-compassion that elevates one’s mood in 30–90 seconds. Using touch to self-soothe has a calming effect on our nervous system. It releases oxytocin and allows us to feel safe.
Hands Over Heart is a self-soothing gesture that reminds us to care for ourselves first — so we can be resilient.
Sit in a comfortable and supported posture. Focus your gaze downward and close your eyes or softly focus your eyes. Slightly turn up the corners of your mouth.
Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale through your nose. Place one hand over your heart and cover it with the other hand. Notice the warmth of your hands on your heart. Notice your chest rise and fall with your breath.
Consider using a mantra as you focus on your slow, steady breathing. Some ideas for mantras or affirmations could be: May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I be patient. May I be strong. I am enough. I’ve got this.
If you are struggling to find the right words to comfort yourself in this moment, think about a close friend’s voice. What words of support or encouragement would they offer you?
Simple. Profound. Resilient.
If you tried this small but mighty act of self-care, how did it go? Did you notice a difference before and after? Is this something you can incorporate into your workday if you have a spike in your stress level?
I invite you to contact me if you tried Hands Over Heart and would like to connect.